Sunday, April 19, 2009

Note to self

When it comes to turtles, placement of the eyes is key!!! They should always ALWAYS be placed on the sides of the head. *Pfffffft*

(I don't hate this one but I don't love this one either. Good thing he was only for me to use as a pin cushion. Is that mean?)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I'm making a menagerie

I've named him Cecil. He's just a baby (harp seal).

Perfectly precious little pachyderm

Her name is Luca and, YES(!), technically she does live on the second floor.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

There goes that


Guess who didn't get to finish her latest favorite project.

(Poor little pachyderm! It's tough to be body-less.)


Spring Break was fun while it lasted. Three day weekend coming up. Woo-hooo!!!!

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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Little cutey

Just finished this little guy! He was made for a church fundraiser and I'm hoping that he brings in a lot of money despite the fact that he's so weentsy. Good things come in small packages, right?

Quitters never win

It's so bittersweet being done with this finally. I've been working on this none stop for almost four straight days and now that it's done it's completely weird not to be ripping things out and starting over again, again, and again, and again.

I worked from a heavily modified pattern. This is not because I tried to do it that way but because (part way through) I got fed up with following the pattern and just went completely off on my own. Amazing that my own stubbornness didn't inhibit me being able to finish it.

Friday, April 10, 2009


I don't know where I got to believing that I'm too good to follow patterns!!! And I don't know where I got to believing that it's okay for me to break the unwritten rule that I actually CAN and SHOULD make things that are to be worn. I'm just going to have to start over again.

Things I've made so far

Pink Elephant - pattern *FREE* from

A Thomas engine - no pattern, improvised entirely

A penguin - pattern *FREE* from

A pear - pattern from Amigurumi World book

(another) Penguin - pattern *FREE* from